Next-Gen Neuromodulation Has Arrived
Meet Vivally — the only FDA-cleared wearable therapeutic for the symptoms of OAB that utilizes physiologic closed-loop controlled transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PCLC-TTNS) with continuous EMG sensing and comprehensive digital support tools.
What this means for your patients is that Vivally can optimize therapeutic output in real time, at home, to make a significant impact on OAB symptoms, including urinary urgency and urge urinary incontinence.
Meet Vivally — the only FDA-cleared wearable therapeutic for the symptoms of OAB that utilizes physiologic closed-loop controlled transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PCLC-TTNS) with continuous EMG sensing and comprehensive digital support tools.
What this means for your patients is that Vivally can optimize therapeutic output in real time, at home, to make a significant impact on OAB symptoms, including urinary urgency and urge urinary incontinence.
Data on File for ReduceOAB, a sham-controlled clinical trial for 125 subjects. Columbus, Ohio: Avation Medical.
Goudelocke C, Sobol J, Poulos D, Enemchukwu E, Zaslau S, Dhir R. A Multicenter Study Evaluating the FREquency of Use and Efficacy of a Novel Closed-Loop Wearable Tibial Neuromodulation System for Overactive Bladder and Urgency Urinary Incontinence (FREEOAB). Urology. 2024 Jan;183:63-69.
Patients experience results quickly
Multi-center clinical studies demonstrated that patients experienced a reduction in symptoms in as early as 4 weeks.
OAB Symptoms Are Much Improved with Vivally
Data on File for ReduceOAB, a sham-controlled clinical trial for 125 subjects. Columbus, Ohio: Avation Medical.
Goudelocke C, Sobol J, Poulos D, Enemchukwu E, Zaslau S, Dhir R. A Multicenter Study Evaluating the FREquency of Use and Efficacy of a Novel Closed-Loop Wearable Tibial Neuromodulation System for Overactive Bladder and Urgency Urinary Incontinence (FREEOAB). Urology. 2024 Jan;183:63-69.
Hear what actual patients are saying
Hear what actual patients are saying
I like that the Vivally System isn’t overly time-consuming and isn’t a medication. Often the side effects can be worse than the original issue.
Read the latest research
A Closed-Loop Wearable Tibial Neuromodulation System for Overactive Bladder and Urgency Urinary Incontinence